Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bike Safety

Yesterday we did bike safety with Constable Val. When she was here she discussed what condition helmets need to be in. Your helmet has to be strong etc. She also said that if you have had a bad accident on your bike that it is best to replace it. With the bikes it is illegal to not have both front and back brakes. It is also illegal to not have a back reflector. Today we brought our bikes to school to learn on them.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 2 Reflection

WHAT: This week we went to badminton with Mr Feist. While we were there we went over the basics of badminton, how to hold the racket, the stance and how to tap it back to the opponent. This week we also went out to the main field and played a game of Rippa rugby. I think it was challenging because the opposite team was passing the ball backwards and fourth. For our habit of mind Taking Responsible risks I think I took one by drawing my calendar art really detailed. The risk was that we had to go over the lines in vivid and then dye the whole thing but it turned out to be great.

SO WHAT: This week I learnt that it is hard to play a game of Rippa rugby when you don't pass the ball at all. I also learnt that you tap the shuttle at badminton not whack it.

NOW WHAT: Next week I want to do lots on our co2 cars and my goal for next week is to be king of the den.

My Logo

For our contract we had to design a logo. This is my logo.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Going To Badminton

On Wednesday Room 15 went to the Springvale stadium to do Badminton. When we were there the teacher started off by telling us how to hold the racket. After that we went off with a partner to do some rallies. Me and Tarron did 20 hits back and forth. Then we set up the net and did it again this time I was with TeWaoriki and we got 15 hits. After that we walked back to school.

Writing Activity Short Story

Suddenly a whole lot of cannibals are attacking a small town called North Town. Ahhh Justin Bieber is one of the cannibals. If I was your cannibal boyfriend I would butcher you up throw you in a tin can send you in a truck then you will go to a supermarket then I will eat your guts. Ohh here comes Tron man of Youtube bring on cannibal Justin Bieber. But Cannibal Justin bieber jumps on Tron man and rips out his liver and eats it. Sheewm Osama Bin Laden flies past and drives his planes straight into the cannibals. Baam Baam BAAAAAAAM. All of the Cannibals are dead. Finnaly the psycho Cannibal Justin Bieber and his army are dead. Osama Bin laden is rewarded but sheew  smash a bullet goes flying through his head end of story.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 1 Reflection

WHAT: This week we went out to the field to play rippa rugby with two rippa rugby teachers. The two teachers names were Jordan and Junior. First we played a game called finding space. We had to run around and try to find space in the group. When he saw us with space we would get to pick what would get built on our space. On Monday we did a piece of art. The piece of art had to be something we did in our holiday. When we had done that we had to dye the piece of work. This week for our habit of mind ( taking responsible risks) I think I took good responsible risks.

SO WHAT: This week at rippa rugby we learnt how to find space. We learnt that you have to have your head up and you have to concentrate. This week we also learnt heaps of different ways to make pieces of art using cardboard and paint.

NO WHAT: My goal for next week is to listen to instructions at all times and not to rush my work. Next week I want to do a BP technology challenge.

Chinese Students Coming To Room 15

 In Term three Chinese exchange students came to Carlton. While they were here they came to Room 15. This is what they got up to.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Shapes Picture

For maths we have been learning about geometry. We were set the task of drawing a picture by using only shapes. This is my 50 caliber M500 intervention sniper rifle.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Going To My Nanas Farm

Yehee I went hunting at my nana’s house. Amazingly we a shot a wild goose with a bow and arrow made of bamboo. The hardest part was tracking the goose but when we had found the goose I aimed and sshhheewww I fired the arrow at the goose. Caaaackcc. I hit it in the butt with the arrow and it came out of its stomach.  Ahmir and I had to do something with the goose but when we got back to the farm it was cold and stiff.  So we dumped it at the dump.