Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 4 Reflection

WHAT: This week we did lots of cool things including IT, keeping ourselves safe, maths, reading, writing,
maori, assembly, inquiry and much more. My favourite is we learnt how to E-mail so ive been using it a lot.

SO WHAT: This week we learnt how to keep ourselves safe and about our successful person Mad Mike and his drifting. Me and Tewaoriki are doing a project on him.

NOW WHAT:  Next week I want to do lots of fun things and my goal is to strive for accuracy in my work.

Monday, May 16, 2011

week 2 reflection

WHAT: This week we did fun things IT-keeping our selves safe-bp technology challenge-art-assembly-book covers-and much, much more.

SO WHAT:I learnt how to do great blending, to wear my helmet and to listen to my mums good advice.

NOW WHAT: My goal is to manage my impulsivity all the time and next week I want to be able to play sport again.