Friday, July 15, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Last term we did ukulele art, and our focus was blending.We had to blend our ukeleles and make them look nice. Next we had to get a white piece of paper and draw the music sign and lines. Then we stuck the ukuleles onto the white paper, then onto black paper. Now they are finished they  look really good. Heres mine I hope you like it.


Room 15 writitng group felts have been learning about writing complex senteces. We had to turn simple into compound and compound into complex. Here is mine. I hope you like it.

Simple sentence: I went to Kowhai Park.
Compound sentence: I went to Kowhai Park and it was fun.
Complex sentence:I went to Kowhai Park and it was fun, the dinosaur was huge.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Week 9 reflection

WHAT:This week we did posts on water towers and while we were doing that I learnt how to put a picture on the blog.Also this week I got as new book for book awards it is called Bear Grylls mission survival sand of the scorpion. The most exciting thing we did was IT buddies, my buddy is Kingston for IT buddies we made blog posts on what ever we want.

SO WHAT: This week I learnt how to blend flowers and make them pretty. As a whole class we did jump jam where i also learnt some new moves in all the songs.

NOW WHAT: Next week I want to be able to do PE again. And my goal is to be a king on the success o mete.