Friday, April 27, 2012


My Great Holiday
My little baby brother was born.
I went rock climbing.
I went ten pin bowling.
I went to a Texan restaurant.
I went to see Wrath of the Titans in 3D.
I got an infection on my face.
I didn’t get to see my little brother for ages.
The tigers weren’t at the zoo.
The school holidays went for an extra 3 days.
The monkeys at the zoo were dancing.
I saw a kune kune at the zoo.
The 3D glasses looked like reading glasses.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Making A Bill

Today we went onto and made some bills I thought it was fun because you were able  make a new law.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Teaching Room 15 How To Use Excel

Today I taught my class how to make graphs on Excel. I thought it was easy because most of them listened. I found it hard when Justin and Josh didn't listen and mucked up there graphs and I didn't know how to fix it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Farm Trip

Last week Mrs Larsen got us to download this new programme called Comic Life. On Comic Life you can put photos in the panels and add speech bubbles and thought bubbles to explain what we did. I made one about my time at the farm. Here is my one, I hope you like it.

Week 9 Reflection

WHAT: This week we went to Fordell to explore what it is like to be a farmer. First we went to a sheep farm to see what it is like to be a sheep farmer. At their farm they produce wool for carpets and sheep meat. The sheep meat goes to Europe and the wool gets sent to china to be turned into carpets. When we were there he showed us how to sheer a sheep and we had a go at pretend sheering, he also showed us the dogs that he uses to herd the sheep. This week I felt very happy because I got 100 out of 100 in basic facts. We also did a
swimmathon I did 31 laps in 15 minutes.

SO WHAT: This week I learnt how to sheer a sheep properly and what the tools you use look like. The tool that you use to sheer the sheep is like a shaver from the hairdressers but way more dangerous.

NOW WHAT: Next week my goal is to be the best I can for the last week of the term.