Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Free Writing

W.A.L.T Attempt paragraphs.

Facts About Uranus

Uranus is made up of compressed methane gases, and if you compress methane gasses it can create diamonds so it is possible that on Uranus it rains diamonds.  That Uranus has four moons named Miranda (1948), Ariel (1851) , Umbriel (1948) and the biggest Titania (1787) these are the discovered moons but there could be more. That Uranus's core is made out rock and possibly ice.

That the methane gasses on Uranus make Uranus look blue when you look at it through a telescope. That Uranus is the third biggest planet in the solar system. A day is the time it takes a planet to spin around once. A day on Uranus is the same 17 and a half hours on Earth. A year on Uranus lasts 84 Earth years this means that the seasons last about 21 years. That the atmosphere of Uranus is cold but near the centre is very hot.

That Uranus was first named in 1781 after king George the third the planet was later renamed Uranus after the Greek god of the sky.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Are you sure your paragraphs are about one thing. Your first paragraph is about Uranus being made up of methane gas also that Uranus has four moons.
    Your second paragraph is about methane gases, the size of the planet, its rotation etc.
    The first sentence in each paragraph should tell me what the paragraph is about.
    If you are unsure about it just let me know and I will go over it with you.
    Mrs Larsen
